Never Let Them Shop Unsupervised
Steve needed some new shoes for work. Now, I don't know about you but I think about $75 is a fair price to pay for decent work shoes. Anyway, we were in this shoe shop, with "30% off" signs everywhere, and Steve selects a number of pairs of shoes to try, most of which have price tags around $90. Yep, that's fair enough. He plucks one more shoe from the display shelf which has no price tag (and this should have been a clue) and this proves to be the most comfortable. Yep, these are the shoes for him so off he goes to the counter to pay. $170!!!!! And I think they were the only pair of shoes in the shop that weren't 30% off. Flippin' heck, they'd better last for years and years.
Steve feels he redeemed himself with this however...This is the innards of our dead computer (look at all that dust!!). Apparently the fan has seized up in the power supply. So Steve pulled it out and bought another one. He tells me that he expected it to cost $100 and it ended up being $50, and apparently that makes it ok to spend $170 on shoes. I will continue to love him as he fixed the computer. :-)
Aren't computers amazing things. I mean, look at all those bits and bobs in the photo. How did anyone ever manage to realise that all those wires and thingys all attached to each other would mean that we can write Blogs and other amazing stuff.
Sometimes I don't know how I put up with him you know. Look at this example. This is my laundry, haven for washing clothes, drying clothes, home to the odd bucket and bottle of bleach. You can therefore understand my astonishment when I discovered this intruder. I believe the excuse was that he didn't want it to get dirty outside. Needless to say the outboard found a new home in the shed the next day...
He has his moments though. This was his most fabulous fishing expedition in his life, when we visited Albany and he went out boat fishing with a friend. This is a Samson fish and we're still munching through kilos of tasty fillets in the freezer.
Ha ha! The shoe story reminded me of my gorgeous brother-in-law who, on graduating uni and getting his first job (twenty years ago), bought new clothes and shoes. We admired the very nice shoes and he said," Yeah. $300...
...each shoe!" Still, they were lovely shoes!
Gawd, $300 each!! P'raps I'm making too much fuss over Steve's expensive purchase. :-)
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