Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh Woe Is Me

You know when your skin starts feeling a bit sort of prickly and your throat gets sorer and sorer and if you walk down the hallway you keep banging into the walls? It's a clue isn't it, that a dreaded lurgy is hovering. I went to bed last night hoping my immune system might deal with the invading microbes but alas no. So, it's a day in bed with lots of cups of tea and 4 hourly paracetamol.

Don't you hate it when you've got a sore throat and it's ok as long as you don't swallow..... but you know you've got to swallow sometime.....


Anonymous said...

Hey, lying in bed all day, drinking tea and reading a great novel such as the one on your bedside table - you just have to see the positive side of it. ;)

Pennie said...

Aaaahhh poor you Dy, I know just how you must feel but I'm not staying on your Blog today just in case it's catching :-)

Get Well soon, cheers Pennie

kirsten said...

Oh, yes, I DO hate that. Right now I've got the streaming eyes and incessant sneezing :-(
Nice to meet you, Meshell's Mum!

Dy said...

I thank you all for your kindness. :-)