Cosmic Corridors Quilt
I posted this photo a while back, and it's on my Flickr account. It's the middle of one of my first quilts, made about ten years ago.
A few people have asked to see a photo of the whole quilt so here it. I find that it doesn't photograph all that well as a whole quilt, the colours and contrast never seem right, this is the best of a heap of photos I took this morning.
It's approximately 1.2 metres square. In the centre section are log cabin blocks that I drew up on thin muslin and then sewed directly onto that in the foundation piecing method. I like the way these log cabin blocks start from the corner as opposed to the centre which is the normal method. There are twenty four 4 1/2 inch log cabin blocks - lots and lots of stitch and flip in that lot, each strip is just over 1/4 inch finished width! Because they are turned on point, I had to trim off half of each of the edge blocks - that was agony! I've still got the 12 scrap triangles from around the edge tucked away in a drawer, I couldn't bear to part with them!That was going to be the end of things, just binding and finished, but I was a bit miffed that something that had been such a lot of work ended up so darn small. It has to be bigger and more magnificent!! :-) So, first off a small dark border. Then I figured on trying the 'square in the square' approach. I'd just learned how to hand dye fabric and I had a batch of indigo blue fabric just waiting to be used for something nice. I thought it matched pretty well colour-wise, and I hunted through the random patterning of the hand dyes to find the lightest parts for the inner square, and the darker sections for the outer square. Finally a black outer border.
Then I machine quilted it. I quilted straight lines across the joins of the log cabin strips, to make them look more 3D. Then I quilted rays from the tips of the inner square back towards the central section. Then finally I stipple quilted the other square section. The black border is not quilted at all, the only stitching in the black is where I appliqued down the ends of the points of the inner square. Now I look back, that was quite an adventurous move for a beginner patchworker!
I love the colours in this quilt, and I called it Cosmic Corridors as it seems to me to be, well, sort of cosmic. :-) It hangs on my loungeroom wall.
Right, well that's three huge blogposts for today, can you tell it's my day off?
Umm, so you also did the quilting which shows up in the first picture of the Midnight blue post? The random squiggly line which looks so nice?
How much work was that? I currently think that quilters must be the most patient people in the world! :)
Yep, it's called stipple quilting. It's a free motion (by dropping the feed dogs on the sewing machine) stitch. Playing loud music always helps cos you need to get a sort of rhythm thing going to keep the stitching flowing. My favourite kind of quilting, I'm not good at straight lines. :-)
Heh, you're not good at straight lines? Then there's still some hope for me. :D
Wow that is a fantastic quilt. It looks 3d but that was the purpose of it isnt it? Hehehe
The choice of colours is just great - it looks like I could go down into your quilt. Fantastic
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