Sunday, January 14, 2007

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Buttonhole Stitch

This week it was Buttonhole Stitch for TAST, also known as Blanket Stitch. I had the urge to try it outwards, rather than the normal 'inwards', surrounding a shape.

I had in my mind to try and make the circles look like they are floating away and was trying to change the floss colour to represent distance. I don't think this has worked particularly well - I think I may have it back to front - do colours get lighter or darker the further away they are?

Even though it turned out differently from what I first intended, I am pleased with the result and happy with the shapes.


Anonymous said...

i really like this technique a lot.

Anonymous said...

I saw the samples on the TAST blog, and I think it's great that you did something with the stitch that is so entirely different from any of them.
(And as I love blue so much, I just have to admire the yarn colours. :D)

Anonymous said...

so simple and so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Very effective stitching. Subtle colours too.

Anonymous said...

I really like your circles, Dy. I think the lighter colors come to the foreground, at least on my monitor.

You asked about sequin waste. It's the plastic left after the sequins have been punched out. It comes in strips four inches wide, I have it in gold and silver. Could find it only in the U.K., via eBay, not in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

I think this piece is wonderful Dy, before I even saw your comment about trying to make it look as though these are floating I immediately thought of bubbles when I saw the picture. I think you have definately achieved the effect that you set out to.