Catching Up
I am such a bad blogger, I haven't been here for over a week! Now I can't decide whether to do one ginormous post or a couple of separates. Lets wing it and see what happens.
I'm not as happy as I could be today though, some lowlife decided to smash the window of my son's car last night and pinch some stuff that he had left on the back seat. Hours and hours of phone calls to police and insurance companies and windscreen repairers later and hunting the house to find 'proof of ownership' to satisfy the insurance company I think it's sorted. Grrr! It kind of freaks you out a bit, I keep wondering if the person is coming back or if they are now watching our house. Hopefully it was an opportunistic crime done by someone walking past our house near my son's car parked on the lawn.
Onwards to happier things.... let's see. I'm reading a great book at the moment - "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier. It's such a richly descriptive book, very captivating. I think I need to track down the DVD of the movie - is it any good anyone?
Meshell and I are on to another craft obsession - yarn! It started off with a bit of knitting and a bit of crochet to buying yarn to buying roving to buying a couple of drop spindles and now you find us obsessively hand spinning yarn! Well, trying to anyway. Meshell is definitely getting the hang of it and is spinning up some cool yarn - I think she'll do a blog post this week and show you. My attempts are 'interesting'In the instructions I've been reading it says to rejoice over your knobbly, slubbed and uneven spinning, that you have produced novelty yarn and expert spinners have a great deal of trouble producing it because they are so used to spinning smoothly. So I have embraced this theory, as well as laughed at it - I have most definitely produced novelty yarn!!
I've also been plugging along with my ripple cushion.
I'm getting a bit addicted to crochet. I like that if you lose the hook then only one stitch undoes at a time whereas knitting can prove to be a disaster cos I'm not clever enough to work out how to rescue a dropped stitch, so I'm constantly in dread of one of those little suckers falling off! Crochet is much more salvageable it seems. I bought "The Idiot's Guide To Knitting And Crochet" today, right up my alley!
I SO agree with you about knitting. Apart from being quite bad and very slow at it, I can't for the life of me pick up a dropped stitch and so I live in complete terror of it happening. Crochet is DEFINITELY much much easier.
I have only just discovered yours and Meschell's blogs. I hold you both responsible for my new obsession with ripple crocheting!
I just posted my own personal drop spindling disaster. Yours looks much less disastrous.
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