Knock Knock Knocking on My Door
Our animals went crazy, whining and barking the other night, about 3.30am. I staggered out of bed to find them all standing at the glass screen door that looks out into our back garden. Fearful of burglars and murderers or rodents even, I switched on the outside light and peered out. At first I couldn't see anything, until I looked down. There on the ground outside the door, tapping on the glass, was the blue marron that lives in one of our fish ponds in the back garden. Silly bugger, he had decided to go night time wandering, and was sitting there waving his little blue claws around. I had to (carefully!) pick him up and plonk him back in the pond. Why they wander about I don't know, perhaps he was hungry - I think they do forage a bit out of the water. The pond he currently lives in is a good 8 metres from the door, so he'd had quite a trek over brick paving.
This is what a blue marron looks like, they really are that colour. I could be wrong but I have a feeling that they are native to South West Western Australia. This particular marron in shot isn't ours, I was too brain-dead at 3.30am to be taking snap shots so I nicked this photo from an educational website so you can see how beautiful they are. He lives quite happily under rocks in the bottom of our Koi pond and doesn't bother the Koi and they don't bother him.
Anyway, with Mr Blue back in his pond, dogs and cat calm once again, me happy there were no nasty people outside, it was back to bed at 3.40am!
Gueeessss Whaaaaat, I won a pretty decoration and youuuuu didn't, nheh, nheh, nheh, nheh, nheh =P =P
anything that color deserves a special post!
It really is an amazing colour. :) Though I wouldn't want it knocking at my window at 3.30am, I guess. ;)
Will it be part of Christmas dinner Dy? :)
Bite your tongue Di Soupy, Mr Blue is FAMILY!! :-)
What's his/her name? If you give them a name then you can't eat them...........I think it is a law :)
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