Take a Stitch Tuesday - Herringbone Procrastinator
You will discover by today's post just how much of a ditherer and procrastinator and scaredy cat I am. I'm a preparation freak. Someone make me just get on and have a go! Progress is slow, I have readied my piece of fabric which I plan to use for all embroidery samples this year, so I figured it would help if I cut it to size and zigzagged the edge so it doesn't fray. Then I figured tacking a big cross on it would help with lining stuff up, and I've also marked quarters of the length along the raw edge.I was trying to decide how to mark the fabric to keep the herringbone stitching line straight. I'm not keen on pencil or those fade out pens, so after much cogitating I wondered if freezer paper might be the go. I've used that before in patchwork, ironing on a shape of freezer paper to quilt around, then just ripping it off afterwards. So, that's the plan, I've ironed on freezer paper strips to give me the height of the stitch row, and I'm going to mark on the freezer paper itself the stitch widths. That should keep it nice and even yes? So there's nothing to stop me from actually plunging a needle into this fabric now is there? :-)
Oh, and here's a better photo of the lovely hand made journals that my dear daughter Meshell gave me for Xmas. I adore them. Pssst, guess which darling daughter is turning 21 tomorrow!
Hehe...I totally understand about that fear of actually starting things - they might go so horribly wrong! I have that every time I should sit down and write a paper, or homework, or whatever. But - it just feels SO great once I have started. So, I'm looking forward to see the fantastic results you will get with your new stitch in action! :D
And those journals Meshell made are incredible. My mum ain't as lucky with her daughter's sewing skills. ;D
The first stitch is the hardest. After that, everything is fun.
I mark my lines with very thin tape. Then, I can just peel it off and stick it in the next place. Works like a charm! (much easier and quicker than freezer paper and eventually you won't need either anyway)
i was just going to suggest that but debra beat me to it!!!! works great, i've used maskinh tape, invisible tape and even peeloff stickers. ironing a crease also works for quick stitches. good luck!
Love how your cross-stitch turned out, I also thought of using tape. Love the journals Meshell made and congrats on her birthday.
Hi Dy
Thanks for the link to my site. Now that I have found yours I will add it to my list too. Lovely work.
Soooo, will we get to see the result this Monday? :)
Thanks people for the helpful and encouraging emails! Next post will show my complete change of direction and I'm much happier.
As usual Dy, when you get the bit in your teeth, you produce something lovely. I don't know why you freak out so.
Meshell's journals are just brilliant. She wouldn't be interested in doing it for 'money'?
What a lovely handmade journals you have got!
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